About Ian Maurer Photography
Ian Maurer has taken a keen interest in photographing the world around him for over fifty years. Starting with his first roll of 620 film in an ancient Kodak Brownie camera at the age of eight, he gradually progressed through a 127 film Kodak Starflash (with replaceable flash bulbs!), his father's 35mm Kodak rangefinder and finally to his first SLR, the iconic Asahi Pentax Spotmatic. Along the way he discovered the delight to be found in developing and printing his own monochrome and then colour prints and transparencies.
Twenty years as a part-time professional wedding, portrait and commercial photographer were not enough to wear out a 35mm Konica and a couple of 645 Bronica medium format cameras, although it did almost wear out the photographer. After a break of about ten years, which saw the world of photography go digital, Ian Maurer now works with a Nikon full-frame digital camera system.
He now enjoys working in a more leisurely style of photography, photographing people and places, nature and events, but not weddings!